Our Publications and resources
Magic Breakfast x Teacher Tapp
Breakfast: The Simple Choice
Find out more about our work and the benefits of breakfasts.
School Breakfasts and the Attendance Crisis in Scotland
Annual report 2022-2023
In our annual report for 2022-23 we look at what a transformative year it’s been for Magic Breakfast. We battled our own rising costs alongside the increased need amongst children and young people, and we developed new research and reshaped our breakfast offer to schools. Thanks to our generous supporters and partners we ended the year looking to grow in 2024, opening our waiting list to new schools.
School Breakfasts and the Attendance Crisis in England
A summary of the impact of breakfast provision on school attendance. This briefing shows how breakfast provision is a vital assets in the national mission to tackle the school attendance crisis.
Breakfast: Making Magic Happen, How your local authority can benefit
Magic Breakfast have a proud 20-year history of delivering breakfast to children and young people at risk of going to school too hungry to learn. Through advocacy and campaigning
our aim is to eliminate child morning hunger, for now and for good.This briefing outlines some of the key benefits of breakfast and the evidence behind Magic Breakfast. It also shares the experiences and stories of the schools we already work with and how, through the power of partnership, we can support more children and young people.
Magic Breakfast and Heinz – Working in partnership
Leveraging the Heinz brand and product portfolio to use Magic Breakfast’s national reach and localised model to have a transformational impact on the lives of hungry children in the UK
Letter from Scotland’s children and young people
Joined by organisations like YouthLink Scotland and Together (The Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) the coalition represents tens of thousands of young people and today’s letter calls on councillors from every corner of Scotland to amplify the voices of young people on issues such as hunger, youth services, and gender equality.
Children’s futures: the economic case for before- and after-school provision
Before- and after-school activities offer pupils and their parents so much. However only some children and families get to reap the many educational and financial benefits. The rest are locked out because of costs or lack of provision.
Magic Breakfast Partner School Survey 2022: Scotland results
Magic Breakfast Partner School Survey 2022: UK-wide results
Silas and the Marvellous Misfits: Teacher resource guide