Our annual report is an insight and a celebration of the difference we are making to children and young people across the UK each and every day.
Annual report 2023-2024
Our 2023/24 annual report, ‘Who’s not having breakfast?’, celebrates the journey of our year from September 2023 to August 2024. Enabled by our wonderful fundraising and school communities, we took action to identify, reach and shine a light on the hundreds of thousands of children and young people still going without breakfast.
Annual report 2022-2023
In our annual report for 2022-23 we look at what a transformative year it’s been for Magic Breakfast. We battled our own rising costs alongside the increased need amongst children and young people, and we developed new research and reshaped our breakfast offer to schools. Thanks to our generous supporters and partners we ended the year looking to grow in 2024, opening our waiting list to new schools.
Annual report 2021-2022
Annual report 2020-2021
Annual report 2019-2020
Annual report 2018-2019
You can learn more about Magic Breakfast and our trading subsidiary Magic Outcomes on the Charity Commission or Companies House websites.