Different breakfast models

Home > Different breakfast models

Every school we partner with has a unique (and often changing) context, which is why we work with them to develop an approach to school breakfasts that can be embedded into their school day. This ability to incorporate breakfast is key to unlocking the benefits for every child and often what sparks a greater sense of belonging.

The children grab and go in the morning on their way up to class and for children who have been rushed into school, not eaten or have travelled far, this breakfast helps to prepare them for a morning of learning.”

Magic Breakfast partner school, Westminster 

Explore our different breakfast models:

Breakfast club

Breakfast clubs run before the school day, providing childcare, food and activities. It is a safe environment for children and young people to eat and socialise with their peers. We recommend offering free places to the most vulnerable pupils but, where possible, a breakfast club can open its doors free of charge for all; a great way to ensure there are no barriers, nor stigma.

Canteen breakfast

Magic Breakfast often runs alongside existing breakfast models in the canteen, providing free and nutritious options for all.

Classroom breakfast

Effective in reaching a high number of children and young people daily, breakfast is eaten in classrooms at or before the start of the school day. This is ideal for schools with a soft start where pupils can be offered breakfast whilst reading or doing early morning work.

Grab and go

Breakfast items are available to pupils as they arrive in the morning in a location that is easily accessible. This could be at the school gate or as they line up in the playground. This is adaptable to any school layout and can be tagged on to the end of a breakfast club.

Breakfast for late arrivals

Breakfast items are offered to pupils who arrive late. It can be as simple as a basket of bakery items at the sign-in desk.

This page was last updated on

29 August 2024

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