Our latest annual report, Who’s not having breakfast?, celebrates the journey of our year from September 2023 to August 2024. Enabled by our wonderful fundraising and school communities, we took action to identify, reach and shine a light on the hundreds of thousands of children and young people still going without breakfast.
In 2023/24, some key questions informed and guided our activity…
We asked ourselves…
‘Who’s not having breakfast in our partner schools?’
Undertaking research and reviewing our uptake data helped us successfully reach more children and young people than ever before.

Of councils we asked…
‘Who’s not having breakfast in your area, and how is it affecting them?’
We provided evidence of the outcomes of breakfast, inspiring partnerships with local authorities to help end child morning hunger in their communities.
As a new government took the helm, we asked…
‘Who’s not having breakfast, and what could they achieve if they had it?’
We championed the opportunities that breakfast powers, encouraging both the UK and Scottish governments to put breakfast at the top of the agenda.

The people at the heart of the report…
In 2024-2025, we’re determined to…

Shine a light on the children and young people not getting breakfast
Analysing the legislation to see who is excluded from government plans, and advising on the implementation of breakfasts to reach those at risk of missing out.

Reach more of those going hungry in the mornings
Increasing the number of children and young people with access to a magic breakfast each morning by 19% over the course of the academic year.

Build on our fundraising success to grow income
Aiming to increase our fundraised income to £8.3 million to help us further our work in ending child morning hunger, both for now and for good.