Breakfast: The Simple Choice
Find out more about our work and the benefits of breakfasts.
- CPAG & Magic Breakfast: Children’s futures and the economic case for before and after school provision (2022)
- Hodge, et al: Department for Education: GCSE Attainment and Lifetime Earnings (2021)
- Education Endowment Foundation: Magic Breakfast Evaluation Report and Executive Summary (2016)
- Cardiam-Dias and Sibieta: Education Policy Institute: Inequalities in GCSE results across England and Wales (2022)
- Hutchison, et al: Education Policy Institute and Fair Education Alliance: Education in England: Annual Report 2019 (2019)
- Food Foundation: Food Insecurity Tracking (2024)
- Food Standards Agency: Consumer Insights Tracker (2022)
- Magic Breakfast: What’s For Breakfast (2023)
- Magic Breakfast: Hidden Hunger (2022)
- Adolphus, et al: National Institutes of Health: The effects of breakfast and breakfast consumption on cognition in children and adoloescents (2016)
- OECD: Net Childcare Costs (2020)
- Pro Bono Economics: The economic cost-effectiveness of the Magic Breakfast model of school breakfast provision (2021)
- Adolphus, et al: Public Health Frontiers: Associations between habitual school-day breakfast consuption and academic performance in British adolescents (2019)
- Scottish Government: Education: National Improvement Framework and improvement plan 2024 (2023)