What can you expect?

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Why would you become a Magic Breakfast school? Is your school interested in any of these things:

If you answered yes to at least one of these, Magic Breakfast can help.

These are just some things that improve when breakfast is provided at school. We’ve captured these outcomes from data, research, and testimonials from the schools we currently support with our hunger focused breakfast.

How do we do this?

Our engagement partners work closely with schools, providing expert guidance on identifying hunger, overcoming barriers and providing a hunger focused breakfast that suits the school and students.

Magic Breakfast supplies the food for the breakfast which is delivered each week directly to your school. Depending on the school needs, the method of delivery could vary and be a combination of a breakfast club, in the classroom or grab and go models.

We’re closing the attainment gap one breakfast at a time. Come and join us.

This page was last updated on

3 January 2024

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